Wed, 24 May 2017
For the 40th Anniversary of Star Wars: A New Hope, we decided not to do a normal episode of Get Off My Podcast. We want to watch Star Wars with YOU! This is a "commentary" of sorts, for the greatest movie of all time Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope. Don't think of this as a traditional commentary but more like hanging with a couple Star Wars nerds and watching a movie. Instructions lie within the podcast. But I will tell you that we are using the 2004 remastered DVD release of the film that runs 123 minutes. We start watching at the 0.0 mark (after the menu screen), this will be setup once you start listening. Also something of note, this is not designed to be listened to without watching Star Wars at the same time so you may want to sit this one out if you don't have the movie in front of ya. Excited to watch Han Solo teach a farm boy some new tricks with you. Let's do it! CLICK: WatchAndListenStarWarsGOMP.mp3 HEADS UP!: Some bad language iTUNES: Subscribe.